Compliance Training: What You Need To Know

In this article, we provide a comprehensive guide to compliance training and details on how to implement compliance training effectively within your organisation.
Key Facts
Compliance training is used to help employees learn the ins and outs of company regulations and applicable government or authoritative body regulations.
Compliance training helps your workforce avoid issues that could cause your company to fall out of compliance in many areas.
Several topics can fall under compliance training, such as dealing with harassment, ethics and workplace safety rules.
Compliance Training: Definition
Compliance training is mandatory training given to employees to teach them the rules and regulations that govern how tasks are completed in the workplace. There are two categories of information your workers can learn while in training: corporate compliance and regulatory compliance.
Corporate compliance training instructs employees on the policies set up in the workplace that they must follow to realise overall business objectives. Regulatory compliance training teaches them the industry laws and regulations set up by the federal, state or local governments or similar regulatory bodies, such as a certification organisation.
Objectives of Compliance Training
There are several key objectives associated with compliance training. Each helps companies accomplish the main goal of creating a safer workplace that reduces the risk of violating industry regulations.
All Employees Follow the Company Rules. Knowing company rules and guidelines helps employees maintain the quality of their finished products by preventing costly mistakes.
All Employees and the Organisation as a Whole Follow Government Rules. This ensures everyone in your business follows federal and state regulations and helps avoid any penalties your company may face for breaking the law.
Create and Maintain a Positive Work Environment. Training in behavioural and performance expectations helps create a workplace that mitigates unethical or otherwise undesirable behaviour. Similarly, it helps ensure that employees can reliably perform at their best.
Retain a Licence. Training to uphold or renew a specific certification or licence held by your company may fall under compliance training.
Prevent Losses in Reputation and Finances. Compliance training makes employees and stakeholders liable for their behaviour. In the event of a problematic incident, your company can point to training as a first line of defence.
How To Run Compliance Training
Running compliance training isn’t difficult, but there are aspects involved that can make it tedious. While leadership decides the content and duration of corporate training, the content of regulatory training is decided by governmental bodies and is usually mandatory. The basic steps for creating effective mandatory compliance training are:
Determine the legislation or regulation that your organisation needs to follow.
Find the specific criteria that you want to train your employees in, such as workplace safety, dealing with harassment, ethics or theft prevention.
Acquire or create content to train your workforce in the criteria needed for your company. Training can be conducted through certifications, exams or courses.
Track your team’s progress as they complete their trainin
g to create a clear record of an employee’s knowledge of the company’s rules and regulations.
Develop Staff With Ease

Track training attendance, progress and compliance across your organisation from one central, easy-to-use tool.
Future-proof Teams With PersonioBenefits of Compliance Training for Organisations
Robust compliance training programmes can offer your organisation several benefits that make it more effective at providing your product or service. Those benefits include:
A More Productive Workforce. Compliance training provides employees with a step-by-step guide on performing their responsibilities, making time-consuming and expensive mistakes less likely.
Easier Time Qualifying for Insurance. Compliance training means there’s a much smaller likelihood of workplace accidents. This can make it easier to qualify for insurance or for better premiums on your policies.
Less Chance of Legal Consequences. Following regulatory compliance training means that your employees can better follow procedures set by the appropriate legislative and regulatory bodies, avoiding legal trouble.
Minimised Damage to Your Brand Reputation. Compliance training teaches the company expectations. This reduces the risk of employees conducting themselves in a way that’s unbecoming of the company, especially in ethically dubious situations.
Benefits of Compliance Training for Employees
Compliance training also has several advantages for your employees, allowing them to perform better and with lower personal risk. A robust training programme provides:
A Safer Workplace. Compliance training teaches your employees how to perform their job without getting injured, leading to fewer workplace accidents overall.
Higher Quality Results. Your employees will make fewer mistakes while doing their work, so they get more done while maintaining good results.
Compliance With Laws. Working knowledge of industry regulations ensures that employees don’t accidentally break the law and invite legal consequences.
Introduction to Company Resources. You can use compliance training to demonstrate the proper procedures for handling situations like harassment or abuse. This way, employees are well-equipped to navigate your workplace.
Record Compliance Training Progress With Personio
Running a compliance training programme and keeping track of your employee’s results can become unwieldy as your workforce grows. But you can use Personio training features to enrol your team in relevant compliance courses easily, set deadlines for completion, track progress and document that compliance training took place. Book your free demo today and learn the many ways Personio can help you manage your workplace.
Frequently Asked Questions About Compliance Training
What Is Compliance Training?
Compliance training is when you instruct employees on rules and procedures set by your company, which can include federal, state or local laws.
How To Run a Compliance Training Programme
To run a successful compliance training programme, you need to:
Determine the legislation you need to follow.
Identify the criteria you want employees to know.
Find or create certifications, courses or exams to teach the skills or knowledge you want them to know.
Record your team’s progress as they complete their training.
Why Is Compliance Training Important?
Compliance training is an in-depth demonstration for employees to learn how to do their jobs properly while avoiding injury or legal trouble. This, in turn, helps your company as a whole maintain quality standards and avoid breaking the law.
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