Why 10,000+ businesses choose Personio

Hire the best talent with seamless recruitment

HR professionals from Lush, Mindful Chef and Core share how they built more efficient, candidate-focused recruitment with Personio.

    Recruiting with Personio success stories
    More time saved each day for the recruitment team at Core
    Personio templates used for quicker processes at Lush
    Top-rated recruitment process built for Mindful Chef

    Before Personio

    • Lush’s team were relying on several tools, reporting was time-consuming and recruitment was very manual and ad hoc.

    • The team at Mindful Chef were working on many different spreadsheets. Reports and contracts were created via manual editing.

    • Core’s HR processes were very time-consuming and manual. Their old system also left them open to human error.

    After Personio

    •  Lush’s recruitment is now streamlined and data is used to convert candidates to employees and to support future hiring.

    • Mindful Chef’s team built up their in-house recruiting team and a really efficient but candidate-focused recruitment process.

    • Core’s team can now create 10 jobs in 30 minutes, saving time for new initiatives such as supporting neurodivergent candidates.

    Lush: Gaining the right data for future growth

    • Personio’s templates now streamline the creation of documents, save time and make it easier to send out contracts to new hires.

    • The whole candidate journey is in Personio. When they become an employee, that data is used to prepare their onboarding too.

    • Recruiting has improved tremendously. We can direct applicants to Personio and use that data to give recruitment support.”

      Lush recruiting Personio

      Mindful Chef: Creating a candidate-focused process

      • A single source of truth means the team can easily keep applicants moving and communication clear, even if someone is absent.

      • The team has designed workflows for their unique processes using Personio’s high levels of automation and personalisation.

      • The feedback we're getting has been 9- and 10-star reviews. The fact that onboarding is integrated with the recruitment process really stands out.”

        Mindful Chef Recruiting with Personio

        Core: 60% faster recruiting and time for new projects

        • The team can now create 10 jobs in 30 minutes and have them advertised on all of their chosen public platforms within 12 hours of them going live.

        • Time spent on reporting has been reduced by 100%. Reports are now easy to share with Finance, IT and other different departments.

        • Personio has freed up about 60% of my daily time. Because of that, we were able to start a project to support neurodivergent candidates.

          Donal Maples Core recruiting Personio

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