Job Ads - More Applicants Through Greater Visibility

The all-in-one solution for applicant sourcing and recruiting. For small- and medium-sized companies.

    Applicant Sourcing Testimage
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    Accelerate Your Recruitment Process

    Create, edit, publish and control job ads with just a few clicks. Create job advertisements centrally, define who will do the recruiting, who will conduct interviews, and which manager will be responsible for the application process.With Personio you always maintain a clear and consistent overview as a basis for transparent decisions.

      Mindful Chef Recruiting with Personio

      Fill Critical Positions Quickly with the Right Candidates

      Never miss out on top applicants again: Publish your job ads on almost 500 job portals with only a few clicks while enjoying the benefits of centralized billing and preferential framework contracts. Each application is automatically tagged with the channel through which it is received. As a result, you know very quickly which portal works most effectively for you, so you can prioritize it.

        Applicant sourcing BestCompany

        Your Own Careers Page in Just a Few Clicks

        Design your own careers page and publish job ads that express your corporate identity, including customized application forms. If you already have a careers page, simply link it to Personio via an interface.

          Applicant Tracking Applicant Tracking System Overview

          Stress-free Data Transfers and Reports at Your Fingertips

          To make sure that you invest time, money and manpower efficiently, you need to know which recruiting channels work best. A dashboard shows you which channels deliver the most applicants, so you can prioritize them accordingly in the future.

            Recruiting Channel Reports in Recruitment Software

            See Personio in action

            Fill in your details to book a demo call with one of our product experts.

            Here’s what to expect:

            • A no-commitment product walkthrough

            • Discussion built on your top priorities

            • Your questions, answered

            Software employees love:

            G2 Badges - Personio Winner - Winter 2023

            Book your free demo

            We will only contact you to book an appointment that works for you and understand your specific requirements.
            *For the best experience possible, we ask that you provide all of the required contact details above.