Absence Management

Process Holiday Requests Instantly

  • Automatically share remaining leave

  • Check absences company-wide

  • Use reports to track wellbeing

Absence Management Software on Different Devices

Make taking time off easier than ever

Save up to 80% of the time spent processing leave requests: employees request their absences and select substitutes as needed. Managers then easily approve them, all in just one click.

Absence Management Software on Different Devices

Enable employees to check remaining leave

Avoid any potential errors and save time by calculating holiday balances correctly. Personio automatically calculates vacation and instantly shows all employees how many days they have taken and how many they have left.

Absence Management Tool for Holiday Entitlement

Keep Detailed Data at Your Fingertips

Are your employees' absence rates going through the roof? Use reports to find out early if something is wrong so that you can respond quickly. Both HR and managers will have an overview of current and planned absences at any time, while employees can check too.

Absence Management Software Report

See Personio in action

Fill in your details to book a demo call with one of our product experts.

Here’s what to expect:

  • A no-commitment product walkthrough

  • Discussion built on your top priorities

  • Your questions, answered

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G2 Badges - Personio Winner - Winter 2023

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*For the best experience possible, we ask that you provide all of the required contact details above.